Friday 7 September 2012

Term 3 Week 8

Parent Workshop
A big thanks to those of you who could make the workshop on Wednesday night.  What a great bunch of engaged parents, now I know where their children get it from!  We had such great feedback from the evening, we are going to run a follow-up this coming week on Thursday 13th September at 7pm in Rm 19.  If you missed the first session, come along and start the journey!

The aim of these sessions are to get you actively involved in your child's online world and become a part of their audience.  We would love all parents to have a username and comment on their child's work.  If you know your way around Wikispaces, please become a member of your child's wikispace so you can comment on their work.  Your kids have given such great feedback on the comments that have been made! Thanks for taking the time, it really does motivate your child to succeed to a higher level.

Wiki Page of the Week

The page of the week goes to Madison and her mum.  Madison's Mum has signed up to be part of her daughters Wikispaces.   Here you can see how she has used the comment function to leave a footprint on her daughters page.  Excellent work by both mum and daughter!
Keep it up :)

Sports News
Starring Taahier, David and Kalib

Pathway to Pollution Storyboard
By Madison and Marianne
This is what we have been working on for this week in Literacy.  It is leading up to out I AM MAKING MOVIE entry.

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